8 thoughts on “Who is afraid of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan?

  1. AbdulQuds says:

    مبروك يا دكتور انت احدى اشعة الشمس

  2. Mohammad Iqbal says:

    Very nice and truly informative site.

  3. Pakistan One says:

    complete bullshit. Praising a British paid agent who died in a state of disbelief. Lanat Allhi, wal Malaikathi, wannassi ajmaeen.

    Asarulislam’s Response to Comment: You are trying to disgrace Sir Syed Amad Khan but is it not Sir Syed because of who you can speak and write English? Think, please think.
    صُمٌّ بُكْمٌ عُمْيٌ فَهُمْ لَا يَرْجِعُونَ

  4. Asarulislam says:

    @Pakistan One – Amused at your ignorance!

  5. Saad says:

    SIr Syed was a great visionary. No doubt. Still Ali Garrh is the best in Indo Pak.
    But overall theme of this site and for example pic of fake abu Jahal, ths ind of non-sense may reduce the credibility of the site.
    Inspite of that if you may portray here pic of Maulana Diesel, we may appreciate you to project the truthfulness (buut hein jamaat ki aasteenOn mein).

  6. Asarulislam says:

    @Saad – I have no regrets about the picture of Abu Jahal. Had children in Pakistan’s schools received their alphabet primer lessons that said Alif= Abu Jahal to this picture, instead of Alif=Anaar, Bay= Bakri, we Pakistanis would have been leading the world.

  7. Ali says:

    Reply to Asarulislam’s comment:
    my dear u r speaking english but what status did u get in last 6 or 7 decades by adopting English and their ways of life ???

    1. Asar says:

      ASARULISLAM’S COMMENT: Pakistan to day is a nuclear power. We have produced world class scientists, engineers, neurosurgeons, physicians and scholars. {Aulil Al baab}. Our Athletes compete for gold medals and stand in honor, as Muslims on victory stands. Saudi Arabia despite its oil is dependent on Pakistani doctors. That is the great status. If we had not studied English we would be struggling every day, fighting with one another like we do over Eid Moon sightings. English opened the doors of the world to our own heritage, the knowledge which we had one time attained and which now belongs to the benefit of the entire world. We adopt their ways of life because the sincerely follow a rule of law and every Muslim wants to immigrate to their lands. This is the real Islam. They serve the cause of human beings, make medications, and they are not lip service worshipers. They serve Allah in the real sense. Their ways of life have given them success and the follow Prophet Muhammad Salam’s teachings better than most Sunnah worshipers.

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