On the death of Osama Bin Laden: God of the losers

Grossly filthy living style of Osama Bin Laden

Living style of Osama Bin Laden

Al-Qaida is a satanic organization that terrifies me. We know it is the headquarters of world’s greatest losers. It is a gang of fanatics who have no insight into reasons for Islam’s failure. They fail to understand why Muslims cannot rise as a progressive and prosperous free society.

They blame America. How has America failed them if at all, they will never ask.

I understand the collective humiliation that has been imposed on the Muslim world for the past 300 years. The expansion of Imperialists and military occupation throughout their lands is sadly a consequence of  their nations inability to manage  its own affairs. Muslims have failed  to thrive as a free society anywhere in the world. Retribution is the Law of God. When a nation repeatedly fails to rise; to evolve and to change for the better; and chronically fails to attain respect and prosperity as a nation, this phenomenon engenders more ignorance with its cycle of failure after failure and a very deep hatred.

Acts of terror are the response of the mad who cannot face reality.

Out of madness and hate an Osama bin Laden comes into being. He was to Al-Qaida what Adolf Hitler was to Nazi Germany, an ideological god of the losers. He became a personification of their irrational hate.  A deity. Hitler likewise promoted magical beliefs and had unrealistic ideals. Like Hitler, Osama himself was incapable of planning anything operational. His presence served a ‘spiritual’ role.  From his grossly filthy style of living, an impaired sense of judgment, a shared paranoia, a delusional thought process, poverty of reasoning, comfort in isolation and a flat affect despite all the trauma and pain around him,  I am tempted to think that Osama could indeed be suffering from schizophrenia. He  was certainly not a Che Guevara, a man behind the gun, which his sponsors loved to present him as. Terrorism seems to be a tactic too advanced for him. All actual acts of terror that are being attributed to him, from the presentation of his filthy living situation, he seems incapable to have planned. That is what I make of him from the videos that he left for us to see. It is amazing how schizophrenics, Hitler and Osama, serve as a catalyst for an organization whose fundamental belief happens to be hate. Civilized world has to kill them to survive.

Hate speaks its own language. It is the language of failure, the language of violence and of suicidal vengeance. We Americans have failed badly at understanding the losers. Our response has been to speak in kind.

Brute force will never be the answer.

To quite a few Americans, America seems  ‘becoming more and more the very monster which it is attempting to fight.’

Muslims need education. Education alone is the answer but only if education is directed towards emancipating them from their pagan rituals and magical beliefs. Muslims need to think realistically and join the human race. If their leaders had read the Message of Quran, this great secular Message could have enabled Muslims to join the human race.

The Islamic world is a dark deep world of ignorance. It is the religion of Zoroastrians and Medieval Christians thriving under the garb of Islam.  Muslims are far far away from the Light which was lit by Prophet Muhammad the Greatest and the noblest man that ever lived.  He liberated pagans from superstitious rituals of worship and established a glorious system of government that gave its citizens an equal opportunity to thrive under the One Law of God. Muslims have no idea of the Light which is in The Quran.  Even their ‘enlightened’ fail to emancipate themselves from the Dogma of Worship and all the magical beliefs associated with its perfection. It is ‘worship’ that blinds them. It is ‘worship’ that divides them.

Quran is Islam’s only hope.

The Islamic world awaits its Liberators: The Al-Muttaqeen.

8 thoughts on “On the death of Osama Bin Laden: God of the losers

  1. Khan Adeeb says:

    Most appropriate comments and the best solution to eradicate and emancipate the decadent Muslim Society of today.

  2. Khurram says:

    AOA, Here is copy of letter appeared in a news paper a while ago, a glimpse to number 2 Islam and it’s sharia laws and the attitude of our so called leaders;
    In February 1979, Zia ul-Haq put into effect the Hudood Ordinance, a particularly heinous Islamic Shari’a law. This law relates to “zina” which is unlawful sex, or extra-marital sex. Under this ordinance, all extra-marital sex is unlawful and punishable. Rape and any sex outside of marriage fall under the category of unlawful sex. The only way a woman can prove that she has been raped is if she has four male Muslim witnesses to the actual act of rape. If she can’t prove the rape by this method, and she has filed a report with the police, then by her own admission she has committed the crime of “zina,” of unlawful sex, which is punishable either with lashes, jail and/or stoning to death. Therefore, any woman who reports a rape, since it is virtually impossible to prove, has effectively “confessed” to adultery and will be punished for the crime. Many women are reported on by family members for being disobedient, marrying according to their own wishes, for a host of other reasons.

    Jehan Mina, a 15-year-old girl, became pregnant after being raped by her uncle and cousin. Her family filed a complaint of rape but since there were no witnesses, her pregnancy and the report were proof of extra-marital sex and she was first sentenced to 100 lashes in public; this sentence was later changed to 3 years in jail and 10 lashes. According to one report, “Saman, an 18-year-old of the Northern village of Parachinar, told us that she had married a man against her parents’ wishes. Her parents had her husband arrested on ‘zina’ charges, and she was arrested a few days later. Her parents then produced a fake nikahnama (marriage certificate) and claimed that she had been married before. Therefore, her ‘new’ marriage was allegedly invalid and a crime against the state.” (“The Hudood Laws of Pakistan: Voices from Prison and a Call for Repeal,” New Politics, wpunj.edu/newpol/issue40/ Ashfaq40.htm)

    According to one article, in 1979 there were 70 women in prisons in Pakistan; by 1988 the number was 6,000. Some reports say that the number of women imprisoned for “zina” went up by 3,000% between 1979 and 1988. One lawyer quoted in the BBC said that in 2005 about 60% of the women in jails had been imprisoned as a result of Hudood laws.

    When Bhutto first came to power she was the hope to many women that it was a sorely needed new day for women in Pakistan—the first woman head of state of an Islamic nation—many women expected her to lead the overturning of the horrendous Hudood Ordinance. During her campaign she specifically promised to turn back these laws. Since the laws were first instituted, women’s groups and organizations had sprung up around the country aiming to repeal the Hudood laws and when Bhutto came to power many women thought she would fight as promised for this.

    In both terms that Bhutto did actually rule in Pakistan, she failed to throw out the Hudood ordinances. Why? According to the PPP blog because that is how democracy works—“A democratic system obliges the executive to work together with all other organs of the state while making and implementing decisions.” (pppblog.org/ labels/member.html) This is during the same time period that the Bhutto government actually supported the rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan. Coming from the interests of a section of the ruling class in Pakistan, it must have been too “difficult” to take an uncompromising stand against these brutal laws against women when Bhutto felt the higher priority was to align herself with Islamic forces within Pakistan and the Taliban. Another report says, “However, democratic or military, liberal or moderate—no regime has been able to repeal these discriminatory laws, primarily due to pressure from right-wing religious parties.” What kind of a society is needed for these atrocities to actually end?

    To me, this is one of those profound injustices that does scream out D-O-P. As Avakian says in the second part of “Making Revolution and Emancipating Humanity,” “…the thing that comes to mind, if you’re approaching this as a communist, is D-O-P: this is what we need to deal with this, to get rid of profound injustices like this, and everything they represent. With the dictatorship of the proletariat, with a revolution leading to rule by the proletariat and aiming for communism, it will become possible to deal with these things in a way that they can never be dealt with by the present system and its ruling class of capitalists. This system and its ruling class can never deal with all this—except in ways that are harmful to the masses.”

    Today, although there is much misinterpretation of this in the media, President Musharraf has not overturned the Hudood Ordinance. In November 2006 he passed the Women’s Protection Bill which “amends” the Hudood Ordinance. Essentially the new bill separates the crime of rape from adultery and now rape can be tried under the civil law penal code as well as under Shari’a law. Since Hudood has not been overturned, women continue to be charged with “unlawful sex” with only slightly raised evidentiary requirements, although soon after the new bill was passed thousands of women were released from jail for lack of evidence in their cases. Very importantly, the underlying way of thinking behind the “zina” laws, that women have absolutely no control over their bodies and sexuality, has not been fundamentally challenged or done away with.

  3. Firasat Khan says:

    Thank you. This is so nice to read.

  4. A .Rashid says:

    “Hudood Ordinance, a particularly heinous Islamic Shari’a law” you say.
    For heaven sake, how can a ‘heinous law’ be called Islamic?. When are we going to learn to differentiate between –Islamic and what Muslims and their Churches, Priests and their governments –do and practice in the name of Islam??
    Have we ever wondered as to why Quran differentiates between Momins and Muslims???
    ALL MOMINS (the BELIEVERS in Quran) ARE MUSLIMS, but not all Muslims are Momins and follow Quran!

  5. Dr. Islam & Esteemed Forum Members,

    Asslamo Aleikoum Wa Rahmatolah wa Barakatoho!

    Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! I loved your excellent article on Osama: god of losers. I have emailed it to over 250 friends in my address book. Sir, you are doing a wonderful job in presenting a progressive face and outlook of Islam to both our ummah and others.

    What really appalls me are the conspiracy theories surrounding the death of Osama on different islamic websites, even non-N21 sites. These theories range from that Osama died in 2003 to that he is still alive to that there was no raid on Osama’s mansion in abbotabad (rumors being that all US helicopters crashed killing all the americans). It is doubly appalling that many educated pakistanis, physicians, engineers, etc. believe in such crap.

    The belief in “conspiracy theories” by many in the muslim world reflects the general malaise afflicting the muslim world i.e. inferiority complex. While we muslims as individuals may feel our religion is superior to that of unbelievers; however collectively muslims and the muslim world is undergoing a severe traumatic sense of inferiority complex, developed over centuries.

    Consider this: What if an entire civilization developed an inferiority complex? What ramifications would that have on the rest of the world? How would such paranoia play itself out in the interaction of civilizations?

    An Arabic op-ed piece titled “The Broder Dilemma and Inferiority Complex,” written by a Muslim intellectual Khaled Montaser late last year, portrays the Muslim world as suffering from just such an inferiority complex. Because it is immensely frank and exposes an important phenomenon, below is an abridged english translation:


    “We Muslims have an inferiority complex and are terribly sensitive to the world, feeling that our Islamic religion needs constant, practically daily, confirmation by way of Europeans and Americans converting to Islam. What rapturous joy takes us when a European or American announces [their conversion to] Islam—proof that we are in a constant state of fear, alarm, and chronic anticipation for Western validation or American confirmation that our religion is “okay.” We are hostages of this anticipation, as if our victory hinges on it—forgetting that true victory is for us to create or to accomplish something, such as those [civilizations] that these converts to our faith abandon.

    And we pound our drums and blow our horns [in triumph] and drag the convert to our backwardness, so that he may stand with us at the back of the world’s line of laziness, [in the Muslim world] wherein no new scientific inventions have appeared in the last 500 years. Sometimes those who convert relocate to our countries—only to get on a small boat and escape on the high seas back to their own countries.

    The dilemma which we Muslims imbibed from one end of the earth to the other—by way of our sons, our intellectuals, our youth, our elders, our men and our women—regards the German writer Henryk Broder. We celebrated him through our media and Internet sites, saying that he had converted to Islam, because he said “I have been saved from misguidance and have come to know the truth, returning to my natural state [fitriti, i.e., Islam].” Our writers and intellectuals portrayed Broder’s statement as a slap to Germany’s face, since he was one of the most critical opponents of Islam, but now he had announced his repentance.

    Then the truth was immediately revealed and the embarrassing predicament which we imbibed of our own free will: for Broder is not to blame; he merely wrote a sarcastic article—but we are a people incapable of comprehending sarcasm, since it requires a bit of thinking and intellectualizing. And we read with great speed and a hopeful eye, not an eye for truth or reality. Some of us are struck with blindness when we read things that go against our hopes.

    We actually imagined that the man was speaking truthfully and sincerely! Thus we drank from the bitter cup of failure and shame, products of our chronic ignorance and contemptuous feelings of inferiority and detestability.

    [Note: despite the fact that it is now common knowledge that Broder never converted, many popular Arabic/Muslim websites—including Al-Islam Al-Youm (Islam Today) Al-Sharuk News, Al-Moheet—continue to gloat under headlines like “Famous German embraces Islam after his long struggle against it.”]

    How come the Buddhists don’t hold the festivities we do for those who convert to their religion? And some of these converts are much more famous than Broder. Did you know that Richard Gere, Steven Seagal, Harrison Ford—among Hollywood’s most famous actors—converted to Buddhism? What did the Buddhist countries of Asia do regarding these celebrities? What did the Buddhists in China and Japan do?

    Did they dance and sing praise and march out in the streets, or did they accept these people’s entrance into Buddhism as a mere matter of free conviction? When Tiger Woods, the most famous golf player and richest athlete in the world, discussed his acceptance of Buddhism, did China grant him citizenship, or did Japan pour its wealth on him? No, being self-confident, they treated him with equality, not servility.

    It is sufficient for the Buddhists that these celebrities purchase their nations’ electronic goods—without any beggary or enticements.”

    Dr. Islam, I apologize for the long rant, but I needed to get it off my chest …

    JazakAllahu khayran,

    Mohammed Guggen



  7. Schumail says:

    If you believe what u see in the media and then base your assumptions on that, then you are heading towards more and more confusion and Chaos. We all know its a bunch of lies. Why didn’t they show his dead body? The most Dangerous man in the world. He and the people who own the governments of US,UK, Germany, France and most of Europe have killed and enslaved more people in the Muslim and 3rd world countries than any war in History. Yes who are these people ? They are the people who have the power to print unlimited amount of currency. THE BANKING CARTEL. Only 13 families own the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK of US. Shocked ? Yes it is not the bank of the Government of United States. It is a private power machine of world domination through the One Eyed DOLLAR. Their Objective is to destroy all Abrahamic Religions in the world. Jewism, Christianity, and Islam since all the Prophets (P.B.U.T) of the Almighty have declared SOOD/Interest, Mark up a war against The Almighty, His Messengers and his creation. Today Pakistan and the 3rd world countries are all the slaves of IMF & THE WORLD BANK due to this fraud being played on Humanity. They gave us $ 1 billion and now they want $ 50 billion back. No country in the world can rise up against this Fraud. Even US after the depression of 2008, Obama pumped 50 billion dollars in the Banking sector by taking this loan from the Federal Reserve, since all the credit cards, mortgage loans, personal loans, and business loans were unrecoverable…and this fake depression was created. Today every drop of blood of the American people is in debt. So they own the people and the puppet governments around the world. A heavily guarded secret which is being leaked out gradually. Rothschild, Rocker feller, JP Morgan are the richest families in the world, but u will never hear about them. They own the media, they control what u think. Our establishment are their slaves, because instead of The Almighty they worship the Dollar. They get paid for keeping all of us divided and destroyed. Only when we think as one and read,understand & follow the only non-manipulated Holy Book in the world that is the “Quran Shareef”, only then we will be able to see the trap of the Dajjal (The One Eyed Dollar) and his agents spread amongst all of us. Dividing us with Religious & ethnic Hatred, illiteracy, and poverty.

  8. The Last Don says:

    Dear Schumail, you are a prime example of what is wrong with this world and Islam. This site’s mission is to try and move the backward Islamic world into reality. However, your comments are nothing but the most absurd “conspiracy theories.” “The one eyed dollar” and the “thirteen families” or the “West has killed more people than anyone.” However, you give no proof, evidence, or sources to back up your claims. This is typical for morally bankrupt individuals. Pakistan is a failed state by its own deeds. Yet you blame America. Aren’t there men in Pakistan, or are there just women and boys. You are like a little boy who believes whatever he wants. However, your belief is the furthest from the truth.

    Go cry to Mom!
    ASARULISLAM’S COMMENT: Very well said. “Pakistan is a failed state by its own deeds. Yet you blame America. Aren’t there men in Pakistan, or are there just women and boys.” Pakistan’s educated elite has an average mental age of 7 year olds and Pakistan’s learned Media monsters have an average mental age of 12 year olds.

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