Registration of Jannat Pakistan Party with ELECTION COMMISSION PAKISTAN

Please read the Constitution of Jannat Pakistan Party –> click  Constitution JPP

My Fellow Pakistanis:

Following your overwhelming support for my Mission  ‘100 LEADERS FOR PAKISTAN’ launched in 2009 and the subsequent idea of establishing a political party in Pakistan, we launched  Jannat Pakistan Party on March 23rd, 2011. Since then, I have received several E mails seeking further updates and I am honored to share this good news with you.

I have spent hours and hours in dialogue and written communication with several young leaders in Pakistan. We are  indeed finally moving towards the Registration of Jannat Pakistan Party with the Election Commissioners Office in Islamabad. The Party Flag,  a mandatory requirement of Pakistan Election Commission, was carefully sought to be attractive, eye-catching, and symbolic. Finally the design for ‘Inquilab Bismilla’ was launched by a young comrade in March this year. It goes well with the Party Manifesto, titled ‘Quran Badshah—Insha Allah.’ As some of you would know, Quran Al- HakeemQuran, ‘The Sovereign‘ was the original title of Our Great Manifesto in times of Prophet Muhammad  but the Anti Quran conspiracy during Abbasid era,   belittled and maimed the word Hakeem to ‘Quran, the All-Wise’ making it perfect to suit the conjecture of mystics and worshipers.  From Badshah to Hakeem Ji was quite a demotion for Quran; likewise Momin, title of a Law Enforcement Officer of The Islamic State was demoted to being someone who was ‘a perfect worshipper.’ And The Imam, title for The Governor of a Province under Islam was demoted to  being ‘Imam Masjid leading the worship of the Faithful.’  This is how Islam was crucified and the religion of terrorism born.

Jannat Pakistan’s political Manifesto is in the final stages of its completion. During my February Live Webinar Lectures I elaborated the Manifesto in detail. It is currently being reviewed by the Party’s Central Council of Rashidoon.  The Manifesto shall fulfill God’s promise to man.  You all are welcome to be a part of us in developing it. Send me words, sentences, phrases etc.

The WWW.JANNATPAKISTAN.COM website is under construction. This site will enable thousands of  our party workers to register. It shall give all of you the opportunity to raise a local office and nominate yourself as candidates for your local constituencies by raising your own local team of 100 LEADERS. To give you all the necessary support, I as your Party leader shall resume my roaring ‘Quran & Pakistan’ lectures around August 2011. I promise you  success. For those who believe in the cause of Allah, that all human beings, Muslims, Christians, Hindus are equal, Quran promises to be  their guide for world domination  We The Jannatis promise to uphold the cause of Allah: to establish a government based on His Law whereby food, wealth and comforts of life shall be equally made available to everybody. There is no way we shall not triumph.  Remember: Allah will bless you for trusting yourself. (Such self confidence and trust is called Eimaan)

56 thoughts on “Registration of Jannat Pakistan Party with ELECTION COMMISSION PAKISTAN

  1. Junaidm says:


    Dear Awais; According to what I have understood from your comments, you are mixing the concept of wealth with money. I would humbly disagree with you on this point because the money you are talking about, is nothing but “fiat”, which means there is no intrinsic value attached and it.
    Just look at the Debt to GDP ratio of different nations. You’ll see that the debt (Internal and external) is already surpassing the GDP in almost all cases. What does this mean? The answer is simple that something is definitely wrong with the basic plan these nations are following. You’ll see the so called advanced economy of US covering it’s flaws through “Quantitative easing” and that of Europe through “Debt Re-profiling”. As a matter of fact these are all fake methods to save the fake economies based on fake money from going down, but this will not help these nations in the long run and the economic bubble will bust sooner or later.

    The real wealth is not the money rather it’s the “human efforts” or “human labor”. It is these efforts which actually produce goods and services. Money cannot construct Buildings, Roads or dams and likewise you cannot expect money to produce goods. Natural goods are produced as a result of natural process combined with human efforts, whereas value added goods are produced primarily through Human Labor. The real asset of nation is not the fake money but it’s skilled labor. Money is just a supporting factor which itself has no value attached to it.

    The other misunderstanding at your end and is about the requirement of Foreign exchange. Why do the country needs foreign money? To handle imports which mainly consists of luxuries introduced as a result of consumerism. As a matter of fact, our country does not need these luxuries rather it needs necessary commodities we can’t produce. We can live without luxuries but we cant survive without necessities. I don’t mean to say that we should stop thinking about a good standard of living, rather I am trying to say that we should try and improve our standards by producing everything locally instead of depending on imports.
    Our country needs skilled labor and diversity of skills and professions. Unfortunately, despite so much talent available in the country, we lack in skilled labor due to unavailability of avenues in terms of educating people and utilizing their skills. We are wasting our basic wealth by not providing proper technical education to our man power, which is our only asset. This man power, the human labor can produce all the goods and services needed by the country making it self reliant but no one is sensible enough to think about it, or probably everyone is too selfish and thinking about personal benefits rather than national interest. We are wasting our precious human resources by not utilizing them and we are wasting our earnings on useless imports such as oil. Yes oil which is the real cause of global warming. This oil based energy which is being used in almost all types of production worldwide, is causing serious damage to our environment due to CO2 emission but the giant oil industry, these big oil corporations will never let people to speak about it. To tell you the truth, this global warming will convert our planet into a hell very soon if we fail to switch towards an alternate energy source. All this industrialization at the cost of environment and all this consumerism, is nothing but an act of deception by greedy multinational corporations.

    What do we actually need?
    We need proper allocation of land and natural resources, which are to be equally available for every citizen. We don’t need oil which is the real cause of Global warming, rather we need alternate energy sources, such as solar energy. We don’t need to import luxuries, rather we need to train our man power and utilize it to produce goods and services in order to cut down our imports and become self reliant. We need to utilize the talent available in the country, by converting it to skilled labor and produce value added goods which can add up to our exports. We also need to link our money to something having intrinsic value, for example Gold or Silver, so that we can make use of our GDP growth in international market.

    Now lets discuss another point you have raised in your post regarding investment system in Islam. In fact there is no restriction in doing business and earning money as such. However we need to follow a basic rule i.e not to steal the fruits of other’s efforts. Also please keep in mind the basic instructions of Quran which discourages wastage and over spending. I have noticed that you completely misunderstood the concept of “Zakaat” which actually means a just economic system and it has got nothing to so with collection of money by state. No one has the right to demand anything from you. Not even the Government can ask you to pay anything from what you have earned by investing your labor or efforts. What we need, is a system where no one should need to ask anything from anyone, no one should need to give anything to anyone, yet every citizen should get everything he need. The concept of economic inequality, the Gap between haves and have not’s is required to be filled through proper distribution of resources. This system can be designed by linking every citizen directly to GDP growth.
    Unfortunately, only 10% of our population is getting benefits from our GDP growth directly and probably another 10%, indirectly. Remaining 80% people are living in a state of poverty and deprivation. These benefits are required to be extended to 100% of our population. Each and every citizen who is registered on the National Database should get the return of GDP growth while those who are directly involved in production of goods and services can earn additional wealth as a return of their labor.

    How is this possible?
    In fact it’s not some kind of a rocket science. I am working on the a design which I’ll soon share the whole idea in form of a draft with you and all others.
    In three simple steps, I can tell you that we urgently need Land reforms, electoral reforms and education reforms as the first step. Secondly we need to utilize the full man power by converting them into a diversified skilled labor. Third step will be, switching to alternate energy as means of production. These three steps will ultimately lead the nation towards self reliance, which will help us to implement a just economic system which is the part of JPP’s manifesto.

  2. @Awais
    Thanks Brother.

  3. Dear Brothers and sisters.
    Congratulation upon rising a voice for to fulfill the promise of a peaceful Pakistan.
    First Chapter,The Opening(Fateha)is basic education,which every Muslim should know.
    But as per my understanding every body think it is a duaa.
    I consider it as an Order.which is the betterment for the humanity. is caution for the care full the sources of violation are cause of distortion seek refuge from it by following the laws of Allah.(Billah)
    By following the Allah’s Codes Al-Rehman in action and AlRaheem in the result.
    The whole universe is witness for praiseworthy Allah,where every creation performing their duties,by following His code Al-Rehman ,
    where every creation is receiving according to their necessities,in sufficient provision.The eternal mercy of Allah. AlRaheem.
    So we are commanded we should do our duties accordingly(in producing and providing by following Allah’s Codes ,to get Allah’s help towards his Guidance,Straight path.
    Being beneficent in our actions every person the whole society will become beneficence .
    Be kind towards creation of Allah,Allah will become kind on you.
    Beneficent Husband,Beneficent wife,success full and happy marriage life.
    same for the children and parents.
    for the relatives,neighbors while traveling,working ,at home and Masjid.
    My dear fellows we are created on this Code.Al-Rehman and every one is rehman being a human being but for own benefits.
    So we commanded to follow the footsteps of Rasool Allah.
    My duties towards establishing unity,method,my living and dying is for the sake of Allah,who is the sustainer of the whole universe.and I am the first Muslim,He is the only one my Master.
    We should perform our duties beneficent for the sake of Allah.
    The Employer:
    Producer will produce with out having attention for the rewards.
    Leave the reward up to Allah,He surely will reward for your efforts.which will be Allah’s Fazal.From there after fulfilling basic necessities including employees the surplus will be deposited to the Account of the State which is Allah’s state.self accountability.
    The Employee:Work and perform his duties for the sake of Allah,same as above.
    Doing one duty for the sake of Allah,Allah will rewards you back in 10 times. Al-Qurán.
    We DEMAND that every person must have these 10 basic necessities.
    10.Helping hand.
    at one time a person can do only a one Job,by providing above basic necessities to the community we will be receiving from each other for our basic necessities.
    in moderate way.Simple living.
    The producer,Trader and consumer all will be beneficent for each other.
    1. Inflation.No.
    4.Street Beggar No.
    In Every house One leader elected by the all house mutual consultation
    Woman or man.
    All House leaders will elect their leader in there community MASJID and members of elected assembly.
    All local MASJID will have member inThe Grand MASJID at village level.
    Same from villages to Union counsel to Tehsil,District,Province and Country same procedure for cost Free Election,All Muslim countries have their member in Masjid-il-ahram at every stage have there own chief and assembly.
    Same in Business and departments.
    at every level Muslims must have one chief,who abide Allah through the Book same as was Abide by Raool Allah.
    Kindest regards to every Muslim

  4. aurangzaib yousufzai says:

    A small clarification might be needed to clarify an objection made in this thread.

    The word “Paki” is an abbreviation generally used for Pakistanis. It becomes a word of insult only when a negative attribute is added to it, for example “dirty Paki”, etc., not otherwise. Japenese are called Japs, in short. And it is not a word of insult. Americans are called “yanks”. It is also not a word of insult.

    Secondly, criticism of a word used by someone must be done, as a rule, under the relevant context and perspective of the situation where the word is used. It is only then that the criticism and its respective clarification/justification can be substantiated. The link quoted by our brother can be studied to assess the viability of this term in that particular situation.

    This humble clarification is, however, not meant to pave the way to gain favors. This humble student of Quran is not a candidate and was never a candidate for a Post. It’s a nomination by our God-gifted leader, Dr. Asarulislam under some spontaneous impulse, emotion or farsightedness of his vision. On my part, it is my duty and my mission to obey as a worker what he expects of and instructs me to do for the cause of all the global Quranists’ common aspirations.

    I would earnestly request the Quranists worldwide to do their best to avail of the rare golden opportunity that appears before us in the form of the much coveted emergence of a real leader of men among us. We Quranists have been praying for and awaiting such a personality for the last 150 years. We may not have another chance like that for another century to come.

    Let us get united, devote ourselves to the cause and mobilize all the available resources, big or small, to avail of this chance of a life time.

    God bless you all.

  5. What you are briefing, it should be must in Urdu & also in other local language: Pashtoo / Sindhi / Kashmiri.
    Please select a proper method to log in.
    where as the literature… provided by you it is very complicated to under standing at a glance. Please use very easy words, which can effect the public / peoples.
    Many thanks.
    Your well wisher

  6. Damon says:

    Salaam wa Rahmah,

    Dear Brother Aurangzaib,

    A small note I wish to add about your reply to Truth Seeker. I cannot speak for Japanese or Pakistanis, but in America, the terms “Yanks” and “Yankee” CAN be “intended” and “understood” in an insulting way depending on who is making the statement, who the statement is being made to and WHY the statement is being made. Then there is the added ingredient of the “Black” and “White” RACE issue that plagues America (which it shamefully tries to deny). America is a very different country. To outsiders, it may appear to be a shining jewel, but we have a saying here in the U.S. that “Everything that glitters isn’t always gold”. The shining glitter that some may see when they look at America is actually the golden door of an “Out House”. Which brings me to my main point…

    Dr. Asarul Islam, you have my respect and Admiration for what you have accomplished so far and the remaining march that you are making onwards. I truly, SINCERELY hope that you, Brother Aurangzaib, Brother Awais Khan Durrani and everyone else involved with assisting you in your mission and goals SUCCEED and emerge from the ashes Triumphant just like the proverbial Phoenix.

    It is truly, truly, truly my ULTIMATE goal to do the SAME THING in the United States (believe me, there is a lot of garbage collection work that needs to be done here). But I humbly admit that I am not as equipped as you are just yet, however I am striving as best as I can to reach the point to where I can correctly and successfully “make some noise” and get the fire of the Quranic Revolution burning!!!

    My Salutes To You Sir!!
    Allah Hafiz,
    Damon. [Post Edited]
    ASARULISLAM’S COMMENT:I am glad to know you are an American. Let us then, begin our journey with the truest American spirit; it is the same as that of Islam : ‘With Malice towards none. and charity towards all, let us bind our nation’s wounds.’ ‘ Making some noise ‘ is not our Mission. That is what Jamat e Islami Mullahs do…Fasaad Fi Sabil illah . Yes, lets get the fire of the Quranic Revolution burning!!! Ya Allah, show our people how to work together as a team and follow their captain.

  7. @aurangzaib yousufzai
    We Should respect every one being person,personality and nation.
    Calling the people by changing in any manner ,specially degrading way is violation of the Qurán.

  8. Asarulislam says:

    The JPP Flag was on FaceBook yesterday and we had 158 comments about its color and design. This happened in 24 hrs. The Flag design came under heavy criticism.

    Prior to being submitted to the Election Commission of Pakistan, JPP flag went through a lengthy process of approval from February till May. Finally , the Central Executive Committee of the party approved it.

    I understand that unfortunately the Flag bears a resemblance to Nazi Party Flag. That was a nation that lived and perished because of its racist policies. We are Muslims and we are not racists. To me, to be a good Muslim, one must first learn to be a good Jew and a good Christian. They are our brothers and most of them are more giving human beings than us. The Quran uses its utmost words of respects for them and so do I. ELECTIONS and PARTY FLAGS have a color theory. There is a reason why women wear a red lipstick and not a yellow or a green one.

    The Quran wants Momins to look outstanding. Our flag is indeed outstanding.

    Shall we kill someone because he resembles Adolf Hitler?

    Before criticizing the choice of flag color and design ask yourself the question what La Ilha il Allah stands for. Those who are afraid of other gods, such shall never overcome their biases to stand up for God. Such cowards can be great intellectuals but they are worth zero for the cause of establishing Islam’s ideology. And such cowards can talk as much as they like about revolution but they will never achieve anything. The JPP flag is a TEST. Are you brave enough or not? If freedom of expression gives a cartoonist the right to hurt the feelings of 2 billion Muslims, or the right to honor Salman Rushdie with Knighthood, then let this Flag pass as being as innocent and as beautiful as Mother Teresa.

    Pakistan needs bravehearts and the revolution that I am leading has no dearth of those. Let the red color reflect the blood of human beings that has been shed, irrespective of whether they are Hindus, Jews, Christians or Muslims. They are my brothers. They are all equals in the eyes of God. They are all brothers who need a formula to live in Peace.

    Bismilla, the Law of God which nurtures a Fetus in a mother’s womb, (Rahman) is the Law of God that promises to provide all citizens equally (Raheem) Bismilla is the ‘Heart’ of the Quran. It sums up the Mission of the Quran. It is the Mission of JPP. I have undertaken to lead this Mission.

    Please overcome your fears. Join Me.

    The day is not far when this flag shall become the symbol of Islamic Renaissance marking the death of the old order and the birth of new… of an Islam that shall not be an enemy of the Jew, the Hindu, the Christian but a government that shall nurture all, under the Law of the Lord of All Nations. God bless Pakistan.

  9. Truthseeker says:

    @aurangzaib yousufzai

    Mr. Aurangzaib;
    You said;
    The word “Paki” is an abbreviation generally used for Pakistanis. It becomes a word of insult only when a negative attribute is added to it, –

    (Truth seeker) – Let me reproduce your words you used on your forum.

    Aurangzaib said on 20-05-2011 :- “This is a good example of what happens if PAKIS are given free hands and all controls are lifted.” (aurangzaib)

    (Truth seeker) Is this a positive attribute? I request everyone to see that a person who is nominated as president has used the word PAKI as insult and he believe that Pakistanis do not deserve freedom. You mean you can take away the freedom of Pakistanis? Is this written in Quran? Who will give you the right to do it?
    Are we going to see another cruel Leader who will take away all the freedom? Another Arab type King dreaming to rule Pakistan. Even Arabs are fighting for freedom now and you want us to go back to the time of kingdom and empire. You have insulted Pakistanis and you are not admitting it but deceiving people by saying different things.
    My dear brothers and sisters, I want to tell you all that this person is using the word Humble for himself but he is a proud man who think he can become a king by misusing the name of Quran. There is a famous saying, ‘Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely’. I say don’t give power to corrupt people.
    Think and then decide. We don’t need another Religious Party in Pakistan. We already have many who want to become kings.
    ASARULISLAM’S COMMENT: Dear Truthseeker. Get a life. Be bold to share your name. No, you do not have the guts even to share your name, yet you condemn a person of humble upbringing, Mr. Aurangzaib who is sticking out his neck when the rest of the cowards are masquerading their names.
    We Muslims are just as proud of our heritage as the Kings of England are today. There is no room for low self esteem people in our party. Lead, follow or get out of our way.

  10. Mubashir says:

    A flag is a symbol of what a party represents. In my opinion any design of a flag that generates a link to a past that was not pleasant and rather ugly (Nazis) or Comminism (Soviets) is not going to fly with the masses who seek a postive change.

    It is, therefore, hoped that the executive will seriously consider revising it’d design to reflect a future that conjures hope and a change towards the positive.

    It is not the question of fear; It is common sense and marketting!!

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