New English words: Mullishness: —adjective 1. the highest form of foolishness; 2. state of an absolute lack of sense.E.g., This is not Islam, this is just mullishness. —adverb 1. Mullishly : To behave like a robot or a monkey. “Qirdatan Khas’e een”. E.g., She mullishly ignored all reason.
Category: Articles
New Islamic Pakistan political movement launched today, March 23, 2011
Pakistan Resolution Day, 23 March is the most remembered day in Pakistan’s history. 71 years ago on 23 March,1940 thousands of Muslims from all over sub-continent gathered in Lahore. They had one dream, one vision and one mission…creation of Pakistan under the able leadership of Jinnah. Pakistan Day is a day of remembrance, a day of great pleasure but it cannot be complete without the true spirit of patriotism and love for our homeland. I WISH YOU A VERY HAPPY 23rd MARCH.
In the same spirit I am pleased to announce today, the launching of a new political movement in Pakistan.
Janat e Pakistan is a Pakistan based Political Party which promises to fulfill Allah’s promise to man.
As convener of Janat e Pakistan, I am leading the team of Rashidoon who are in the process of finalizing our draft MANIFESTO and CONSTITUTION.
We have drafted a FIVE POINT MANIFESTO for our Party which shall be publicized on this website in a few days. We have also designed a Party Flag. We shall start a web based process of Party Membership Enrollment in the near future.
Based on the regulations of the Election Commission of Pakistan, NOTIFICATION Islamabad, the 23rd July, 2002, S.R.O. 456(I)/2002, in exercise of the powers conferred by Article 19 of the Political Parties Order, 2002 (Chief Executive’s Order No.18 of 2002), the Election Commission, has made the rules, called the Political Parties Rules, 2002. We are required by law of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to submit the following essentials:
• “Party Leader name” means the head of a political party duly elected in accordance with the constitution of the political party and the provisions of the Order by whatever name designated. Political parties are required to provide printed copy of their constitution.
• Every political party within ten days of its formation shall provide to the Election Commission a printed copy of its constitution along with a certificate duly attested by the Party Leader that its constitution is in conformity with the requirements of the Order.
• Every political party shall maintain its accounts indicating its income and expenditure, sources of funds, assets and liabilities and shall, within sixty days from the close of each financial year (July—June), submit to the Election Commission a consolidated statement of accounts of the party audited by a Chartered Accountant, accompanied by a certificate, duly signed by the Party Leader to the effect that no funds from any source prohibited under the Order were received by the party and that the statement contains an accurate financial position of the party.
After due completion of above formalities, we shall register this Party with the Election Commission of Pakistan.
We have made a sincere commitment to establish the New Islamic Caliphate that ensures human liberty and emancipation. Launching a political party is our first step towards our cherished goal. We shall liberate Islam and Pakistan from the social tyranny of the Mullahs. Join me in providing your talent for this cause.
Your ship has been launched after 1000 years of stagnation.
Bismillahe Majreha O Mursaha
With Salwaat and a Zillion Salams to the name of our most exalted Prophet Muhammad .
Quran & Pakistan: Do we need to launch a Political Party in Pakistan?
Dr. Asarulislam Lectures on The Quran every Sunday. Today’s lecture has a unique importance:
“I have been approached by several ‘Quranists.’ They believe in equality and justice and want to take active steps towards establishing the Law of God in Pakistan. They recommend launching a Political Party, JANNAT PAKISTAN. They aspire to set up a political platform through mutual brotherhood and cooperation. They want to set up a process of active world-wide enrollment via internet and plan to establish offices all over Pakistan. They are already developing and drafting a Quranic Manifesto. They say: “The Quran has the answer to Pakistan’s Problem.”
Today’s lecture will address the viability of this idea. If you cannot Join, please send your opinion regarding this movement. We shall plan our future activism accordingly.
Visual Metaphors reveal Quran’s Message of Equality & Social Justice
“God is not shy to use metaphors of insects or of highers forms of life to explain His Message. The Pioneers who believe in the success of Quran’s ideology get the Message being conveyed though these metaphors but those whose are in a state of denial about the realities of Life, ask: ” What could God mean by these?” Many deliberately misguide themselves and many attain enlightenment. Nobody misinterprets God’s Message but those who suffer from an elitist mentality, who believe in social classes and who divide mankind into religions. ‘