My Mission is to develop 100 leaders for Pakistan. I am in search of 100 Pioneers, whose actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more; The Liberators, those to whom ‘freedom’ is the highest personal value and who wish to build Pakistan around their choice. COME JOIN ME!
I want each of you to create your own ‘small army’ of 10-100 JOINERS. I am in search of individuals who have conviction in the success of the ideology of unification of mankind, the ideology of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, and Mohammed Sall Allah o Elaihay Wassalam. None of these founded any religion. They all established DEEN— A Government based on the Law of God. They were all ATHEISTS who BELIEVED in ONE GOD— The God Of One Law. Pakistan’ founder Mohammed Ali Jinnah was also an ATHEIST who BELIEVED IN ONE GOD. had the, a vision that we lost centuries ago when we entered the delusional world of becoming ‘five pillar worshipers’.
Zoroastrian mystics crippled The Muslim Nation with their perverted beliefs. I will enable Pakistan Youth to see the vision and I promise to deliver them the hope which The Quran offers. In words of Goethe, ‘Quran is an ever flowing river from which mankind took a cupful some centuries ago and was rejuvenated; the world was never the same again.’
The world needs a new ideology, a new dimension, a new hope. The Quran shows you an undiscovered ideology for world Peace—-Sabeel Allah.
QURAN offers an entirely new paradigm, a premise so powerful, it answers the most important questions of all: How should wealth be distributed? Why do we exist? Why does the Universe exist? Are you one of those who are dissatisfied with the status quo of Pakistan and are in search of a vision to change Pakistan? JOIN ME. I am in search of those who think they can do what others are afraid to do. Can you overcome your magical thinking? Can you overcome the force of Lethargy, The Satan that misleads you to the path of least resistance, the path of ritualistic worship?
MUSLIM WORLD IS FULL OF INDIVIDUALS WHO ARE INTELLECTUALLY STAGNANT and LAZY. THE LAZY seek ‘short cuts’ of magical beliefs and fall for gambling. Gamblers need reassurance for their magical beliefs. ‘Ritualistic worship’ offers them a very reassuring delusional belief and they loose all touch with reality. Some gamblers read horoscopes and take them seriously. Others go to astrologers. Others blame it on bad luck. Some are not lazy but are limited intellectually. A large number get fixated on the magical powers of ‘ritualistic worship’.
AN INEXCUSABLE DAMAGE is done to children who grow in a culture of magical beliefs. Their mental development gets restricted and their faculty of reason intimidated by fear of heresy and blasphemy. Do you realize how many Muslims live such unfulfilling lives? Can you count what humanity loses in the multitude of promising intellects who become timid characters because of being raised in a culture of imaginary Gods, taboos and ‘saviors’, who dare not follow any bold vigorous independent train of thought lest it would land them into something irreligious or immoral? Such timid characters end up hating the world and civilization. They worship their Fears.
Do you realize how destructive are Gods of Fear? Do you realize why Muslims have become a sick nation of Lepers?
I am in search of those who feel pain when any living being suffers. I love those who love to take challenges and risks and do not enjoy a lifestyle that insulates them. I AM IN SEARCH OF 100 PIONEERS: JOIN ME
It was just ‘ 100 Pioneers’ that established the First Islamic State in Medina. They had Faith in the success of their ideology. They were motivated to rise as a nation. These ‘Liberators’ were neither Christians nor Jews but were secular in spirit and thought: individuals who were free from all pagan rituals of worship.
Quran call them The Ummiyeen. Prophet Muhammad was one of them. These secular individuals founded a nation. The Quran honors that nation with the title ‘Umatun Wasta’: a nation whose strength is in diversity, an international nation, secular in spirit, balanced in Faith and God’s Authority. The Pioneers had Faith in the success of the Law of God, believed in equally sharing the joys of life between themselves and were committed to establish the Law of God through an army of volunteers who worked together as a team. They rectified worship, which had divided them for centuries. They gave a new dimension to worship by establishing the law of God and living dutifully not under a King but under ‘a rule of law’ free from the authority of Kings, Presidents, Mullah, Priests and Gurus. Because they used common sense, God enabled them to find their own path to success and prosperity. They believed in living for each other as dutiful law abiding citizens, under the law of God. Above everything else, they believed in accountability for actions to The Higher Power and acted responsibly. To become a nation they had to first liberate themselves from the demons of worship. Worship was their ‘sacred cow’ and they were told to slaughter it if they wanted to rise as a nation.
Their descendants, known in history as The Ummiyoons or UMMAYYADS, set out to liberate the world on the principle of secularism. Any wonder why they are still hated by the Pagan worshipers?
THE QURAN motivates you to LIBERATE YOURSELF from the shackles of religion. Can you turn to God and say ‘no’ to worship? Are you stuck behind the wall of fear? Do you want to continue living a life of quiet desperation, looking at the bricks?
STOP SACRIFICING YOUR SONS AND LAMBS AND COME FOR THE REAL SACRIFICE called “NATION BUILDING” through education. This is the Message of Surah Al-Baqqara. Do not feel embarrassed. Even Abraham had wrong assumptions about Sacrifice.
PAGAN ARABS had been living as tribal families or Qabilas. Each Qabila or tribe had its own Qibla or worship center. There were hundreds of tribes and hundreds of Qiblas. Human beings have a deep appetite for superstition and magical beliefs. To quench this appetite, pagan Arabs had built ‘houses of worship’ everywhere. Each community or tribe had its own Qibla or worship center at its entrance. A Qibla for each Qabila stood on ‘a water well’ and each tribe had its own ‘water well’. SHARIA is the Arabic word meaning: The road to water well. They were divided over ‘wells’, fought with one another for centuries and became a mockery for the Superpowers, the Romans and the Persians. To emerge as a nation, The Pioneers had to unite as one only by liberating themselves from the superstitious beliefs surrounding the Qiblas.
The pagan society was deeply cramped into all forms of superstitious beliefs of worship, no different from the Muslim world of today.
THE PIONEERS learnt from the Quran that in order to rise as One Nation they must sacrifice their ‘Sacred Cow’. This was hard. The Pioneers learnt from the Quran that worship was a product of magical beliefs. The nation of Moses had created ‘short cuts of magical beliefs’ and was subjugated by The Pharaohs. Any nation that creates ‘short cuts of magical beliefs’ turns into a nation of losers. They suffer disorder, poverty and misery. The Arabic word ‘Ijl’ means ‘a short cut’. Al Baqara teaches us how Moses commanded them to first sacrifice their ‘sacred cow’. Indeed, this is the first step to rise as a nation. Next it tells us how the Pioneers totally quit their affiliations with their worship centers. Can YOU do that?
THE PIONEERS realized how the sham of worship, an easy delusional belief, a ‘short cut’, an opium, was the root of all evil. Quran taught them how Moses liberated his nation form worship. Romans and Persians prospered. Arabs lived in disgrace and humiliation. They were either beggars or they were hijacking and looting caravans. But they choose to rise.
The Pioneers took upon themselves the responsibility to educate their people. They delivered lessons of history to raise the self-esteem of their people. The vagabond wanderers were once upon a time the great nation of Abraham. Pagan religion had for centuries encouraged the notion of ‘sacrifice’ to please Gods. Then there was no end to sacrifice. Rituals of Worship, hard and strenuous exercises were just fundamentals of their practices to please God in expectation of miracles. Magical beliefs had swayed their nation away from the straight path of reason and success. They lived in a fanciful world of delusions.
IGNORANCE prevailed everywhere, galore!
THEN 100 PIONEERS decided to build a NEW NATION. They quit attending the worship centers and challenged religion with irrefutable dictates of reason. Their leader Prophet Muhammad had the vision to built a nation. Quran gave the ideology. They must first liberate them from the shackles of ritualistic worship. The Quran taught them to focus on the model of Abraham (a.s).
ABRAHAM (a.s) is model of courage who denounced the Gods of Worship. In 900 BC, as history says, he had emigrated from Ur, a city south of Baghdad to Mecca and established Peace through the law of God. He founded the City of Peace in Mecca on principles of equality and Justice. Abraham’s model city became the role model of The Pioneers who like Abraham, challenged the authority of the priests with main and might.
They were a minority, harassed and beaten, kicked and abused, boycotted socially and eventually forced to emigrate from their home lands but they understood the fraud of organized religion and refused to accept the pagan ideals of WORSHIP. In an age of ignorance they were the soldiers of Light. With Faith in the law of God they founded The First Islamic State in Medina based on the principles of equality and Justice. Within a century a little spark ignited a worldwide fire of Liberty. The Ummiyeen ( known to history as The Ummayyads) were on the forefront, challenging religion, liberating the rest of the world from exploitation. The Kings sponsored The Holy Churches of Judeo-Christianity, Zoroastrianism and the Brahmins of Hinduism. Mankind suffered and screamed painfully. For centuries, fraudulent religion had promoted sons of God as ‘Saviors’, with Brahmans and ‘Avatars’ who could perform miracles.
The Warriors of Light brought new awakenings. Mankind woke up from a deep slumber to a Renaissance.
Pakistan today is no different. It is awaiting for the Warriors of Light. COME JOIN ME
If you are an individual who is frightened of new ideas, this website is not for you. I am in search of those who are frightened by old ones. If you love your life of quiet desperation, peeking through the other side but failing to dismantle the bricks, you can continue living a life of hell, buring in the fire of jealousy and misery.
I am in search of individuals who are not sleepwalkers and who will dare to question authority. I want you to read The Quran and see The Light, which has been deliberately kept away from you. I am looking for individuals who are committed to achieve at least one goal in their lives even if it is individualistic and personal.
COME JOIN ME: Let us create our own ‘ One small Army’ in the cities we live in, an Army of Liberators committed to abiding by the laws of the lands, which we live in. Let us convene for a meeting. Let us plan the next steps together. I will only show you how the Quran guides you.
I am in search of individuals who are brutally honest in their thinking. Let us denounce all hero-worship, outgrow the Gods of Worship and unite to promote The Message of Justice and Equality through the law of God. Hero-worship divides a nation. Any Worship will always divide. Each worshipers worships ‘his own idea of God’. That is why Muslims have become a disgraceful laughing stock. THINK! Be like ABRAHAM (a.s). Challenge you father’s beliefs? Let us unite irrespective of the sectarian or political background from which were born into. This is the call of our times. Let us rise! Let us organize! JOIN ME
Our core belief is Islam: What does it mean? It means World Peace, through equality and justice, based on the law of God. We celebrate our Faith and the beautiful ceremonial rite of our Faith. We desire to rise as One nation under the law of God. We salute the founder of Islam, Prophet Muhammad who gave mankind the only genuine ideology for peace in the world. We salute the founding fathers of Islam, from Abraham and Jesus, to Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) and his Comrades who established the first stateless and classless society in the recorded history of man. We salute the Liberator Muslims who have faith in The Quran and who are committed to establish the system of equal distribution of food, wealth and comforts of life, as laid down in The Quran. Such are the true believers in the law of God.
Whereas it is the will of the People of Pakistan to establish the law of God as an order, and whereas Islam is the name of the ‘The Accepted Order” for the system of government of The Islamic Republic of Pakistan, We the Liberal Muslims of Pakistan, in order to secure the blessings of Liberty, Equality and Justice as delivered to mankind in The Quran, upholding our great principles of general welfare, celebrating all ceremonial rites of Islam, respecting the ceremonial rites of all world religions, declaring our absolute commitment to equality of all sexes with no discrimination based on gender, promoting equal rights for all irrespective of caste, color and creed, denouncing our past affiliations with religious sects and political parties, discarding all superstitious rituals and beliefs, declare our commitment to establish the true law of God, through representatives of the people of Pakistan and in accordance with the will of the people of Pakistan.
We are a team that is spread all over the globe, disunited and frustrated. We enjoy great solace in the lands we live. We pledge allegiance to the Law and Constitutions of all foreign lands that have given us an abode, honoring us with their citizenship. We pledge to to abide by all laws and Constitution of the blessed lands we live in. We denounce ignorance and condemn all superstitious beliefs and rituals. We deplore and condemn all those who promote hatred and terrorism.
THE WRONG PEOPLE: I know very well that not everyone is a potential recruit for the cause of Pakistan or ‘The Islam of Liberty’. I know that not only are some people a poor match for this cause but also that some will do more harm than good. I know very well that the wrong people will do nothing but drain my energy , distract me from what is important and may even try to influence me to give up.
THIS MESSAGE IS NOT FOR EVERYONE NOR IS THIS MISSION FOR EVERYONE. It is ONLY for the Liberators: those who are free from the demon of ritualistic worship-, with the gem of integrity ‘of the purest ray serene’— ‘The AL-MUTTAQEEN’. The Quran too is a guidance, for The Muttaqeen.
REMEMBER: You will never rise in your life individually or as a Nation as a WORSHIPER unless you quit your superstitious beliefs. BE BOLD, LET THE SKY FALL BUT QUIT WORSHIP.
100% agreed to join your army…. we do need it
@Hamza – i agree with u
You can count me in!!! Ill definitely support ur mission , BE STEADFAST!! Islam will rule, muslims will dominate the world….
Asar-ul-Islam is my old class fellow from Cadet College, Hasan Abdal, years 1964-69 and we both were roommates in the year 1964 in Aurangzeb Wing. His nick name was Assro and he was a very religious person from his childhood. Assro was very regular in prayers even at that very young age. I am really very happy and delighted to see that he is now a Scholar. Being his old class fellow and colleague, I wish him great success in his life and mission. I have not met Assro after I left Cadet College, Hasan Abdal in the year 1969 but I have a strong desire to see Assro again.
ASARULISLAM’S COMMENT: Thanks Jameel. You were captain of the college cricket team, skipper Jameel Malik. I continue to be deeply spiritual and have been a long time Quranist. You introduced Professor Ghulam Jilani Barq to me in 1964 when I was in 8th grade. I am grateful to Allah for granting me abilities to appreciate His Law. All glory comes from understanding the Law of Allah and then entering into submission and obedience to His Authority.
Dear Cannon of the Qur’an (Dr A.I. Syed),
May Allah reward you for your phenomenal services of Islam and grant you success in your noble Mission! I will be delighted to help in any area within my reach.
We regularly come across “Muslims” who are waiting for the advent of the Messiah and Mahdi. They should stop waiting and start doing. Please strengthen the hands of this Mujahid of the Qur’an.
God is not sending any Savior to the world! The last Messenger (S) has come and gone having delivered the eternal Message (Al-Qur’an) to all humanity. Now it is up to us to save or destroy the planet earth.
Ayah 2:177 gives us only Five Article of Faith: Tawheed, Angels, Prophets, the Book and the Hereafter. Please remember that the Ultimate Authority for Muslims is nothing but Al-Qur’an. You will not find “The Advent of Mahdi” in the Qur’an.
The Bible, e.g. Gospel of Mathew (KJV) has this to say:
24:30 —- and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 24:33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. 24:34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. [That generation passed away 2000 years ago without Jesus’ return. Since then, billions of people have lived, waited and died waiting, Ah! Any interpretation of this verse can be, and has been, nothing but frankly and embarrassingly apologetic – ‘yes, but’ – situation, even for the greats such as Grahams and Franklins and Oh yes, for the PAPAS in capitals.]
Everyone Seems To Be Waiting
The dogma of a Promised One is almost Universal. It is found in every religion of the world. Probably, soon you will agree that it is nothing but wishful thinking.
When the Messiah of the Jews comes he will bestow upon them the everlasting Worldly Kingdom. Jews have already started becoming apologetic. For example, in large numbers, they are turning to believing in the Messianic Age rather than a personality.
When the Messiah of the Christians shows up again, the faithful (Alas! Only 600,000) will be taken up to the heavens in Rapture to live in the Father’s Palace up there, while the remaining billions get annihilated on this dusty earth. “Billions just could not and would not make it.” (Joseph Barber Lightfoot, Bishop of England 1880).
When Meeta or Buddha II, arrives, he will make Buddhism dominate all religions “physically and spiritually” and turn every human being into a Mahatma (The great soul).
Mithra of Zoroastrians will herald the return of the long lost Maggian glory for his followers.
Kalki Avtar (The Last Savior) will lead Hindus straight to Mukti (Salvation by non-existence – and out of the endless cycle of Reincarnation).
Tri-Thankra of Jainism will unify all human beings on earth into his religion. Then all people will become the ideal ‘Bugs Bunnies’ eating plant roots alone.
Even the ancient Tribes of Africa, Native Americans, the Aborigines of Australia, the Eskimos and inhabitants of the Amazon and the Himalaya valleys charm themselves with an oncoming, supernatural, and magical Redeemer.
[TWO MAHDIS: The greatest drama, Ma-Sha-Allah, rests with the N2I Muslims since they have two and not one Mahdi, coming: A Sunni Mahdi and a Shi’ah Mahdi with extremely divergent action plans! And, of course, the Mullahs make them believe in the Second Coming of Jesus as well. So, they have to contend with THREE Supermen, all at one time!
Let’s think for a moment that dozens of Promised Ones have appeared in the world for a final round trying to prevail over one another. Battles, wars, massive blood shed and total chaos grab hold of our little poor planet as far as our imagination can take us, rather beyond.
How many mini-Mahdis and mini-Christs have come and gone in the last many centuries? This can be anybody’s guess. Countless people have claimed to be the Promised One, the Mahdi or the Messiah in the last many centuries. It is a strange paradox that people keep waiting and waiting intently for someone to come. But as soon as some priest, monk, mullah, sufi, yogi, mystic, makes the claim, they raise furor against him. They even attempt to kill him.
The real problem with the dogma of a promised one is that it serves as opiate for the masses. It snatches from them the will to strive and struggle. Well, someone will come to solve their problems and raise them to glory. The situation is quite understandable as far as other religions are concerned since they do not have Al-Qur’an, the Criterion between the right and the wrong. But it is strange that the Muslims that regard the Qur’an as their authoritative Book keep groping in the dark. We will see shortly that the Final Word of God very clearly rules out the coming of another promised one after Prophet Muhammad (S). We have documented that Maudoodi in his Tafheem vol 4 pg 163 admits that there is no place for this utopia in the Qur’an.
The following genius minds and great Muslims DID NOT believe in the coming of Jesus or Mahdi.
SIR SYED AHMED KHAN (1817 to 1898)
Jesus was never raised to heaven
That great wizard of a genius was a commentator of the Qur’an par excellence. Follow his pen:
“The brilliant Muslim commentators of the Qur’an have blindly followed the Christian traditions to forge such Ahadith. These so-called experts have assigned totally erroneous meaning to Rafa’ or the raising of the prophets Jesus (3:55) and Enoch = Idrees a.s. (19:56). The Qur’an does not portray the physical raising of these prophets into the heavens. It describes raising them in honor. The prophecies of the coming of Mahdi and Messiah have been introduced into our history by Zoroastrian “Imams”. The Qur’an is absolutely free of these ridiculous themes. [Ref. Tafseer vol I part 7 pg 123 on, vol 2]
The most outstanding scholar of the Qur’an, Sir Iqbal does not subscribe to the view of ascension of Jesus up into the heavens or to his second coming. Nor does Sir Iqbal see Mahdi as a specific person.
“You O Preacher, have placed God on top of the heavens
What kind of God is He that shies away from his servants?”
See another:
“He whose ’self’ wakes up recognizing the human potential
He is the Mahdi and the promise one of the latter times”
And yet another:
“Look at God appearing on the minaret of your heart
And stop waiting for the advent of Mahdi and Jesus
In his English writings against the Qadiyanis, Sir Iqbal thrashed the dogma of a promised one as a Magian and a Jewish heritage.
Abulkalam Azad & Ubaidullah Sindhi
These two noted scholars of the twentieth century in their respective explanations of the Qur’an very forcefully and convincingly dismiss the notion of the advent of a Messiah or Mahdi. (Ref Tarjamanul Qur’an Urdu and Ilhamur Rahman Arabic, commentary on Verse 3:55)
The celebrated scholar of Islam, Muhammad Sheikh Abd-e-Rabbuhu of Egypt maintains that the stories of a living Jesus in the heavens and his second coming were inserted into our Ahadith centuries ago by Christian scholars so that Christianity may seem superior to Islam.
JAMAL-UD-DIN AFGHANI (1830 to 1899)
This great torchbearer of Muslim unity said, “My intensive research in the Qur’an, Hadith and history has taught me that any human being who tries to save the planet and make it a better place to live is the Mahdi and the Messiah in his own right.”
3:55 “O Jesus! I will cause you to die of natural causes and I will exalt you in honor and I will clear you of the slander of the disbelievers. —.
The word Raf’a means honoring or exalting. “Nowhere in the Quran is there any warrant for the popular belief that God has taken up Jesus bodily into heaven.” (The Message of the Qur’an, Tafseer by Allama Muhammad Asad 3:55 and 4:158)
19:56 And make mention of Idris (Enoch) in the Book. Verily, he was a man of truth, a Prophet.
19:57 And We raised him to a high station of honor. (Allama Muhammad Asad, The Message of The Qur’an).
The great Austrian scholar and exponent Allama Muhammad Asad writes that the very common belief that Jesus was taken up to the heaven in body is absolutely non-Qur’anic and, therefore, it has no merit.
21:34 We have never granted everlasting life to any human before you. If you die, can they be immortal?
3:144 Remember that Muhammad is only a Messenger. The Messengers before him have passed on. So, if he died or were slain, would you turn about on your heels?
This verse makes clear that Jesus too has died. He has passed away and was not raised to the heavens. When Muhammad (S) died not one of his companions complained why he was not raised to heaven like Jesus and Enoch.
5:3 This Day, I have perfected your DEEN for you, completed My favor upon you, and chosen for you Islam as the System of Life.
6:115 Perfected is the Word of your Lord in Truth and Justice. None can change His Words and His Laws. And He is the Profound Hearer, the Knower. [Hence, no further Divine revelation, no further messenger or ‘promised one’ is to come.]
33:40 Muhammad is not the father of any man among you, but he is Allah’s Messenger and the Closing Seal of all Prophets. And Allah, indeed, is Knower of all things. [Hence, there is no room for a Divinely guided one to come.]
15:9 Behold! It is We Ourselves Who have sent down this Reminder, and verily, it is We Who shall truly guard it. [Therefore no further prophet, Mahdi or Messiah is necessary.]
21:7 For, before you We sent none but men to whom We granted Revelation. Hence, (tell the deniers), “Ask the followers of previous Reminders if you know not.” (12:109, 16:43).
21:8 We gave them not bodies that won’t require food, nor were they immortal.
5:75 The Messiah, son of Mary, was no other than a Messenger, like other Messengers before him who passed on. And his mother was a woman of truth. Both of them were human beings who had to eat food (like all other mortals). See how clearly We explain Our verses for them and note how they keep wandering in thought! (These ignorant people make human beings that eat and walk about in markets, ascend to heaven with their bodies!)
29:51 Why! Is it not enough of a miracle for them that We have bestowed upon you this Book that is conveyed to them? [The Qur’an must be Sufficient]
48:23 — And never will you find any change in Allah’s Law. (Bodily ascension is not a Law of Allah. Returning from heaven to this world too, is not His law).
13:11 Behold, Allah never changes a nation’s condition unless they change their inner selves.
[PLEASE STOP HERE AND THINK for a moment: Why would God send Mahdi and Jesus to change the condition of a nation? Doesn’t this dogma collide with a rock-solid Law of the Qur’an? With God being Omnipresent, the ascension of Jesus or any other human being, and getting seated at His right hand makes no sense. It confines God to some corner in the heavens. It also gives Him an anthropomorphic man-like image which is obviously Biblical. It is certainly not Qur’anic.
Syed Jamaluddin Afghani, Mufti Muhammad Abduh, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Allama Iqbal, Allama Muhammad Asad, Maurice Buccaille, Allama Inayatullah Mashriqi, the brilliant sons of the Ummah, and countless others believe that bodily ascension of Jesus confines God to a certain heaven while the Qur’an makes it very clear that God is present everywhere.
God is not sending any Savior to the world! The last Messenger (S) has come and gone having delivered the eternal Message (Al-Qur’an) to all humanity. Now it is up to us to save or destroy the planet earth.
Ayah 2:177 gives us only Five Article of Faith: Tawheed, Angels, Prophets, the Book and the Hereafter. Please remember that the Ultimate Authority for Muslims is nothing but Al-Qur’an. You will not find “The Advent of Mahdi” in the Qur’an.
The Bible, e.g. Gospel of Mathew (KJV) has this to say:
24:30 —- and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 24:33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. 24:34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. [That generation passed away 2000 years ago without Jesus’ return. Since then, billions of people have lived, waited and died waiting, Ah! Any interpretation of this verse can be, and has been, nothing but frankly and embarrassingly apologetic – ‘yes, but’ – situation, even for the greats such as Grahams and Franklins and Oh yes, for the PAPAS in capitals.]
Everyone Seems To Be Waiting
The dogma of a Promised One is almost Universal. It is found in every religion of the world. Probably, soon you will agree that it is nothing but wishful thinking.
When the Messiah of the Jews comes he will bestow upon them the everlasting Worldly Kingdom. Jews have already started becoming apologetic. For example, in large numbers, they are turning to believing in the Messianic Age rather than a personality.
When the Messiah of the Christians shows up again, the faithful (Alas! Only 600,000) will be taken up to the heavens in Rapture to live in the Father’s Palace up there, while the remaining billions get annihilated on this dusty earth. “Billions just could not and would not make it.” (Joseph Barber Lightfoot, Bishop of England 1880).
When Meeta or Buddha II, arrives, he will make Buddhism dominate all religions “physically and spiritually” and turn every human being into a Mahatma (The great soul).
Mithra of Zoroastrians will herald the return of the long lost Maggian glory for his followers.
Kalki Avtar (The Last Savior) will lead Hindus straight to Mukti (Salvation by non-existence – and out of the endless cycle of Reincarnation).
Tri-Thankra of Jainism will unify all human beings on earth into his religion. Then all people will become the ideal ‘Bugs Bunnies’ eating plant roots alone.
Even the ancient Tribes of Africa, Native Americans, the Aborigines of Australia, the Eskimos and inhabitants of the Amazon and the Himalaya valleys charm themselves with an oncoming, supernatural, and magical Redeemer.
[TWO MAHDIS: The greatest drama, Ma-Sha-Allah, rests with the N2I Muslims since they have two and not one Mahdi, coming: A Sunni Mahdi and a Shi’ah Mahdi with extremely divergent action plans! And, of course, the Mullahs make them believe in the Second Coming of Jesus as well. So, they have to contend with THREE Supermen, all at one time!
Let’s think for a moment that dozens of Promised Ones have appeared in the world for a final round trying to prevail over one another. Battles, wars, massive blood shed and total chaos grab hold of our little poor planet as far as our imagination can take us, rather beyond.
How many mini-Mahdis and mini-Christs have come and gone in the last many centuries? This can be anybody’s guess. Countless people have claimed to be the Promised One, the Mahdi or the Messiah in the last many centuries. It is a strange paradox that people keep waiting and waiting intently for someone to come. But as soon as some priest, monk, mullah, sufi, yogi, mystic, makes the claim, they raise furor against him. They even attempt to kill him.
The real problem with the dogma of a promised one is that it serves as opiate for the masses. It snatches from them the will to strive and struggle. Well, someone will come to solve their problems and raise them to glory. The situation is quite understandable as far as other religions are concerned since they do not have Al-Qur’an, the Criterion between the right and the wrong. But it is strange that the Muslims that regard the Qur’an as their authoritative Book keep groping in the dark. We will see shortly that the Final Word of God very clearly rules out the coming of another promised one after Prophet Muhammad (S). We have documented that Maudoodi in his Tafheem vol 4 pg 163 admits that there is no place for this utopia in the Qur’an.
The following genius minds and great Muslims DID NOT believe in the coming of Jesus or Mahdi.
SIR SYED AHMED KHAN (1817 to 1898)
Jesus was never raised to heaven
That great wizard of a genius was a commentator of the Qur’an par excellence. Follow his pen:
“The brilliant Muslim commentators of the Qur’an have blindly followed the Christian traditions to forge such Ahadith. These so-called experts have assigned totally erroneous meaning to Rafa’ or the raising of the prophets Jesus (3:55) and Enoch = Idrees a.s. (19:56). The Qur’an does not portray the physical raising of these prophets into the heavens. It describes raising them in honor. The prophecies of the coming of Mahdi and Messiah have been introduced into our history by Zoroastrian “Imams”. The Qur’an is absolutely free of these ridiculous themes. [Ref. Tafseer vol I part 7 pg 123 on, vol 2]
The most outstanding scholar of the Qur’an, Sir Iqbal does not subscribe to the view of ascension of Jesus up into the heavens or to his second coming. Nor does Sir Iqbal see Mahdi as a specific person.
“You O Preacher, have placed God on top of the heavens
What kind of God is He that shies away from his servants?”
See another:
“He whose ’self’ wakes up recognizing the human potential
He is the Mahdi and the promise one of the latter times”
And yet another:
“Look at God appearing on the minaret of your heart
And stop waiting for the advent of Mahdi and Jesus
In his English writings against the Qadiyanis, Sir Iqbal thrashed the dogma of a promised one as a Magian and a Jewish heritage.
Abulkalam Azad & Ubaidullah Sindhi
These two noted scholars of the twentieth century in their respective explanations of the Qur’an very forcefully and convincingly dismiss the notion of the advent of a Messiah or Mahdi. (Ref Tarjamanul Qur’an Urdu and Ilhamur Rahman Arabic, commentary on Verse 3:55)
The celebrated scholar of Islam, Muhammad Sheikh Abd-e-Rabbuhu of Egypt maintains that the stories of a living Jesus in the heavens and his second coming were inserted into our Ahadith centuries ago by Christian scholars so that Christianity may seem superior to Islam.
JAMAL-UD-DIN AFGHANI (1830 to 1899)
This great torchbearer of Muslim unity said, “My intensive research in the Qur’an, Hadith and history has taught me that any human being who tries to save the planet and make it a better place to live is the Mahdi and the Messiah in his own right.”
3:55 “O Jesus! I will cause you to die of natural causes and I will exalt you in honor and I will clear you of the slander of the disbelievers. —.
The word Raf’a means honoring or exalting. “Nowhere in the Quran is there any warrant for the popular belief that God has taken up Jesus bodily into heaven.” (The Message of the Qur’an, Tafseer by Allama Muhammad Asad 3:55 and 4:158)
19:56 And make mention of Idris (Enoch) in the Book. Verily, he was a man of truth, a Prophet.
19:57 And We raised him to a high station of honor. (Allama Muhammad Asad, The Message of The Qur’an).
The great Austrian scholar and exponent Allama Muhammad Asad writes that the very common belief that Jesus was taken up to the heaven in body is absolutely non-Qur’anic and, therefore, it has no merit.
21:34 We have never granted everlasting life to any human before you. If you die, can they be immortal?
3:144 Remember that Muhammad is only a Messenger. The Messengers before him have passed on. So, if he died or were slain, would you turn about on your heels?
This verse makes clear that Jesus too has died. He has passed away and was not raised to the heavens. When Muhammad (S) died not one of his companions complained why he was not raised to heaven like Jesus and Enoch.
5:3 This Day, I have perfected your DEEN for you, completed My favor upon you, and chosen for you Islam as the System of Life.
6:115 Perfected is the Word of your Lord in Truth and Justice. None can change His Words and His Laws. And He is the Profound Hearer, the Knower. [Hence, no further Divine revelation, no further messenger or ‘promised one’ is to come.]
33:40 Muhammad is not the father of any man among you, but he is Allah’s Messenger and the Closing Seal of all Prophets. And Allah, indeed, is Knower of all things. [Hence, there is no room for a Divinely guided one to come.]
15:9 Behold! It is We Ourselves Who have sent down this Reminder, and verily, it is We Who shall truly guard it. [Therefore no further prophet, Mahdi or Messiah is necessary.]
21:7 For, before you We sent none but men to whom We granted Revelation. Hence, (tell the deniers), “Ask the followers of previous Reminders if you know not.” (12:109, 16:43).
21:8 We gave them not bodies that won’t require food, nor were they immortal.
5:75 The Messiah, son of Mary, was no other than a Messenger, like other Messengers before him who passed on. And his mother was a woman of truth. Both of them were human beings who had to eat food (like all other mortals). See how clearly We explain Our verses for them and note how they keep wandering in thought! (These ignorant people make human beings that eat and walk about in markets, ascend to heaven with their bodies!)
29:51 Why! Is it not enough of a miracle for them that We have bestowed upon you this Book that is conveyed to them? [The Qur’an must be Sufficient]
48:23 — And never will you find any change in Allah’s Law. (Bodily ascension is not a Law of Allah. Returning from heaven to this world too, is not His law).
13:11 Behold, Allah never changes a nation’s condition unless they change their inner selves.
[PLEASE STOP HERE AND THINK for a moment: Why would God send Mahdi and Jesus to change the condition of a nation? Doesn’t this dogma collide with a rock-solid Law of the Qur’an? With God being Omnipresent, the ascension of Jesus or any other human being, and getting seated at His right hand makes no sense. It confines God to some corner in the heavens. It also gives Him an anthropomorphic man-like image which is obviously Biblical. It is certainly not Qur’anic.
Syed Jamaluddin Afghani, Mufti Muhammad Abduh, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Allama Iqbal, Allama Muhammad Asad, Maurice Buccaille, Allama Inayatullah Mashriqi, the brilliant sons of the Ummah, and countless others believe that bodily ascension of Jesus confines God to a certain heaven while the Qur’an makes it very clear that God is present everywhere.
Better write the same spellings of G. A. Parwez as he has himself written; it erradicates the wrong notion that G. A. Pervez or G. A. Parvez is another scholar.
What you say makes a lot of sense. I write a blog as a sensible Muslim, not as a learned Muslim. I have written on a variety of subjects, including Islam and Quaid-e-Azam. Below are links to a sample of four blog posts. I would like to know the extent to which your views agree with or depart from those I have expressed.
Kindly write down the spellings of “G. A. Parwez” as he himself has always written; it shuns the wrong notion that G. A. Parveiz or G. A. Parvez or G. A. Pervez is another scholar.
Asarulislam’s Comment: I shall note this in the future. Thanks for guiding me.
‘ A rose by any other name would smell as sweet’—Shakespeare Romeo & Juliet
@Prof. Dr. Manzoor-ul-Haque –
Dear Respected Dr. Manzoor ul Haque, SA
I disagree with the notion that any spelling of Allama Parwez’s name other than the spelling you insist upon will give anyone the impression that a different scholar with the same name is being referenced. Anyone who has any interest in the Tolu-e-Islam work started and carried on by Allama Parwez REALIZE that their is only one scholar by that name. I have NEVER come across any other scholar with that same name. Everyone who knows this name also know that there is only one G.A. Parwez no matter how his last name is spelled in English language.
I myself have seen his name written in many different ways such as Parwez, Parvez, Pervez and Perwez and as long as I see the initials G.A., the title Allama and/or the name Gulam Ahmed, I know that it is THE Allama Parwez of Tolu-e-Islam who is being referenced.
We should all check our state of mind and be careful about insisting on something as small and insignificant as an English rendering of a very popular and well known Urdu name. To insist upon such is tantamount to personality worship. It is what he has done and what he has stood for that should matter to people.
Allah Hafiz,
Professor Dr. Manzoor-ul-Haque’s response:
Respected Damon Sahib
As you wish Sir, it was just a simple suggestion.It may not be termed in any sense other than what I suggested. Thanks
With Regards!