Sal-Sabeel— [excerpt oo2] Islam’s system of social welfare and security / JANNAT PAKISTAN PARTY from jppgujrat on Vimeo.
STEP by STEP—Door to door campaign for Sabeel Allah
SABEEL ALLAH–in a new idea lies the ‘Secret of Success’ for Pakistan
Sabeel-Allah..Mission Jannat Pakistan Party from jppgujrat on Vimeo.
EQUALITY, EQUAL ACCESS of all citizens to the WEALTH OF PAKISTAN: Such is the law of Allah.
Nutrition of every cell of the body, to each according to its needs, is the physiological principle of health.
Pakistan stinks.
SALVAGE NOW or PAKISTAN will die from Gangrene.
November 22nd: Anniversary of my father Habib us Saqlain.
Brigadier Habib us Saqlain, AMC. Eldest son of a Police Sub-Inspector, he studied at MAO College Amritsar and took pride in having been a pupil of Faiz Ahmed Faiz and Dr. Taseer.
He belonged to the great generation of Indian Muslims whose dream was Pakistan and who saw their dream become a reality. As a medical student he captained The Punjab Volleyball Team in the ‘first’ Pakistan Olympics held in Karachi in 1948, in which QuaideAzam presided as the Chief Guest. He remembered by heart the speech which his leader delivered that day. “Pakistan has been achieved after a lot of sacrifices. It is now for us to build it into a great nation!”
In 1951, the year he graduated, USA offered wonderful opportunities for immigration to physicians. He chose not to immigrate but to stay and work for Pakistan. “Throughout the years that I served for the Pakistan Army, Jinnah’s words have been my inspiration,” he would often say.
In the 1948 Olympics at Karachi, he also set the first national record for 110 meter hurdles.
He had a passion for Urdu poetry and music. As Commandant of AMC Center in Abbotabad, he took a personal interest in the Bagpipe Music Band which won the Duke of Edinburgh trophy. He motivated his soldiers and with minimal funds, build the AMC Centre Masjid in Abbotabad.
Rest in Peace Aba Ji. I miss you. Thanks for teaching me the values of honesty, obedience of law, patriotism, sincerity, dedication and sacrifice.
Praised be the fathomless universe,
For life and joy and for objects and knowledge curious;
And for love, sweet love —
But praise! O praise and praise,
For the sure-enwinding arms of cool-enfolding Death.
Walt Whitman
Please send photo copy of your Pakistan National ID card and two pictures to get your JPP’s membership card from the main office in Rawalpindi.
Jannat Pakistan Party Headquarter,
99 Mobi Plaza, Haider Road, Rawalpindi,
CONTACT Party Vice President Mohammad Ayaz Khan Yousafzai 0321 551 0168, or JPP OFFICE 051- 430- 4141,
Amir Jannat Pakistan Party, Dr. Asarulislam Syed [email protected]
General Secretary Moeen Akhter Phone 03126162606
Multan Office, R-92 Defence View, Sher Shah Road, Multan.
Ameena GrandGujar: Pakistan Youth Movement for Sabeel Allah
HUM DAIKHEIN GEY from jppgujrat on Vimeo.
Shalimar Radio Los Angeles, Nov 2008, Quran & Pakistan weekly lectures
TABAQAN UN TABAQIN— Mission Sabeel Allah started with little steps
We are enough against those who ridicule. إِنَّا كَفَيْنَاكَ الْمُسْتَهْزِئِينَ
Because of problems with YOUTUBE player, Dr. Asarulislam’s latest talk is being sent, now uploaded on VIMEO