15 thoughts on “The Great Manifesto of Jannat Pakistan Party, Asarulislam’s June 20 Declaration to Reclaim Pakistan’s Pride, complete version

  1. Tariq Umar Qureshi says:

    @Asar – “Quran is like the Sun. One does not need anything but open eyes to see the Sun and its Glorious Message” MashaAllaah brother Asar. And one thing you mentioned that you have spent some time in Saudi Arabia, especially amongst beduins. One other question I do have, hopefully last :), is that I am sold on the idea that Muhammad (saw) not only came with the text, but also he explained the Quraan and our aim is to seek that very understanding of Quraan and Sunnah … of course both of them being timeless. Is that something that resonates?

    1. Asar says:

      Prophet Muhammad indeed lectured, like Jesus and Moses. Quran is all about those lectures. Qul, and Qaala, are repeated hundreds of times in the Quran referring to the dialogue and arguments. What we have in the form of Hadith is a great resource and treasure but sadly there is also a lot of ISRAELIAT or Jewish concoctions in that collection. If one understands the fundamentals of how Islam liberated the Society from its Superstitious Rituals and beliefs, one can discern the Jewish/ Magian concoctions very easily. Quran is the only most reliable resource of Sunnah.
      ASARULISLAM’S COMMENT: Thanks brother for the positive outlook. Kaaba had its Swastikas in it and Islam cleansed them. Join me in my Prayer. Let Bismilla become the prayer on top of ever flag of the world. Insha Allah.

  2. Tariq Umar Qureshi says:

    @Asar – Asar, you are correct indeed about the miscreants corrupting the books of ahadeeth. That is why there is the emphasis on ‘authentic’ sunnah/hadeeth and the study of the chain of narrators and their character before a hadeeth is classified as saheeh.

    Now then, there is a group of Muslims, perhaps calling themselves Quraaniyoon, people who only believe on Quraan as the only source and do not follow the ahadeeth? Do you come from that understanding Asar bhai.

    I know you must be a busy person and I greatly appreciate your time. Take your time replying. I had seen your site ad on facebook a few times, so this time I came over.

    1. Asar says:

      Dear Brother: No I do not mind. Though we refer to people as Quranists, (like the use of the word Socialist, Maoist,) I absolutely do not belong to any sect of Islam, or any Quraniyoon. I was born in a Shia household but we grew up like Jinnah. GA Parvez was Jinnah’s advisor and Pervezi is a derogatory word sometimes used for people who are Quranist and students of Parvez. Indeed I have been a student of Parvez but I am not a Pervezi. In fact nobody is. Parvez was a scholar of the Quran. There are so many like him. If you understand Urdu, there are quite a few lectures of mine on this website.

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