Please send photo copy of your Pakistan National ID card and two pictures to get your JPP’s membership card from the main office in Rawalpindi.
Jannat Pakistan Party Headquarter,
99 Mobi Plaza, Haider Road, Rawalpindi,
CONTACT Party Vice President Mohammad Ayaz Khan Yousafzai 0321 551 0168, or JPP OFFICE 051- 430- 4141,
Amir Jannat Pakistan Party, Dr. Asarulislam Syed [email protected]
Website http://jannatpakistan.com/
General Secretary Moeen Akhter Phone 03126162606
Multan Office, R-92 Defence View, Sher Shah Road, Multan.

My Innocent Rebuttal—Muslims need to choose ACTION over SELF DECEPTION


Attached is an enlightening rebuttal to the disgusting movie made by Christian Fundamentalists . Government of Pakistan has shamefully ‘banned’ YOU TUBE’ and has once again surrendered to shame. Not a single man has risen to present a rebuttal. ‘Eyes wide shut’ is the Zardari way. PLEASE CIRCULATE THIS VIDEO AS MUCH AS YOU CAN. After educating the notoriously ignorant fundamentalist Christians and Muslims, Asarulislam Syed MD, a California based Neurologist & Psychiatrist, lays down a line of action for USA policy makers and for Muslims masses :   ” CROWN PROPHET MUHAMMAD Sall Allah O Alehe Wa Aalehi Wassalam by establishing SABEEL ALLAH in Pakistan.
Asarulislam Syed MD is Amir, (President) of  JANNAT PAKISTAN PARTY. JPP, a new political party of progressive  revolutionary Pakistanis, is duly registered with the Election Commission of Pakistan. JPP is committed to field candidates for all 340 electoral offices for Pakistan’s Parliament as well as for all Provincial Seats.
SABEEL ALLAH is a system of government where all Authority rests with God, where food, wealth and resources of a STATE are equally shared by all citizens under the guarantee of a rule of Law. “SABEEL ALLAH means free food, free education, free housing,  free healthcare, free electricity, and all comforts of life equally shared by all citizen’s. “SABEEL ALLAH is Quran’s formula for man’s Paradise on earth and  for a life of heaven in after-death. All Prophet’s— Abraham, Moses, Krishna, and Jesus proclaimed SABEEL ALLAH as a system of government for PEACE–to establish a brotherhood of man.” Asarulislam

September 6, 2012: Missionaries march for Sabeel Allah

SABEEL ALLAH —“For hundreds of years we have sacrificed our lives for sake of a land where ISLAM embraces us. For centuries, we were fooled and compelled to embrace a cult of Rituals instead.
JANNAT PAKISTAN PARTY has risen to fulfill the Promise of Allah to Man. Allah is responsible for our life; Let Allah be responsible to deliver us our “Our Daily Bread” and all the comforts of life. Let Pakistan be His Kingdom where the law of Allah prevails. ISLAM denounced bigotry and intolerance and unified mankind fourteen Centuries ago. Let the same ISLAM embrace us with Allah’s blessings of Love and Joy.

Amir Jannat Pakistan Party
99 Mobi Plaza, Haider Road, Rawalpindi
September 6, 2012