My Innocent Rebuttal: now on VIMEO. Muslims Need to choose Action over Self Deception
BEAT THE YOUTUBE BAN in Pakistan and India. VIMEO link is above.
Thanks Ameena GrandGujjar.
My Innocent Rebuttal—Muslims need to choose ACTION over SELF DECEPTION
Attached is an enlightening rebuttal to the disgusting movie made by Christian Fundamentalists . Government of Pakistan has shamefully ‘banned’ YOU TUBE’ and has once again surrendered to shame. Not a single man has risen to present a rebuttal. ‘Eyes wide shut’ is the Zardari way. PLEASE CIRCULATE THIS VIDEO AS MUCH AS YOU CAN. After educating the notoriously ignorant fundamentalist Christians and Muslims, Asarulislam Syed MD, a California based Neurologist & Psychiatrist, lays down a line of action for USA policy makers and for Muslims masses : ” CROWN PROPHET MUHAMMAD Sall Allah O Alehe Wa Aalehi Wassalam by establishing SABEEL ALLAH in Pakistan.”
Asarulislam Syed MD is Amir, (President) of JANNAT PAKISTAN PARTY. JPP, a new political party of progressive revolutionary Pakistanis, is duly registered with the Election Commission of Pakistan. JPP is committed to field candidates for all 340 electoral offices for Pakistan’s Parliament as well as for all Provincial Seats.
SABEEL ALLAH is a system of government where all Authority rests with God, where food, wealth and resources of a STATE are equally shared by all citizens under the guarantee of a rule of Law. “SABEEL ALLAH means free food, free education, free housing, free healthcare, free electricity, and all comforts of life equally shared by all citizen’s. “SABEEL ALLAH is Quran’s formula for man’s Paradise on earth and for a life of heaven in after-death. All Prophet’s— Abraham, Moses, Krishna, and Jesus proclaimed SABEEL ALLAH as a system of government for PEACE–to establish a brotherhood of man.” Asarulislam
September 6, 2012: Missionaries march for Sabeel Allah
SABEEL ALLAH —“For hundreds of years we have sacrificed our lives for sake of a land where ISLAM embraces us. For centuries, we were fooled and compelled to embrace a cult of Rituals instead.
JANNAT PAKISTAN PARTY has risen to fulfill the Promise of Allah to Man. Allah is responsible for our life; Let Allah be responsible to deliver us our “Our Daily Bread” and all the comforts of life. Let Pakistan be His Kingdom where the law of Allah prevails. ISLAM denounced bigotry and intolerance and unified mankind fourteen Centuries ago. Let the same ISLAM embrace us with Allah’s blessings of Love and Joy.
Amir Jannat Pakistan Party
99 Mobi Plaza, Haider Road, Rawalpindi
September 6, 2012
REDISCOVER SABEEL ALLAH-Guide to living a life with passion and purpose
Let Quran be your guide to living a life with passion and purpose.
Such is the Mission of Jannat Pakistan Party.
Jashne e Azadi Mubarrak: Agar Bastiyon wale Eimaan Lay Aatey
Asarulislam’s Independence Day address to Pakistan Nation, August 14, 2012
Warriors of Light: Pakistan Army & Jannat Pakistan workers
Jannat Pakistan Party’s grand economic program of Sabeel Allah is the only solution to restore Unity Discipline and Faith in Pakistan. It is clear, succinct and well defined. Pakistan will become a modern, NEW ISLAMIC PAKISTAN in months,. The base for the Revolution is laid. It is up to you to pick up the courage and rise. RISE AND ORGANIZE and Pakistan will become the most prosperous land in the world. Asarulislam, Amir, Jannat Pakistan Party
Jo Log Sirf Kabootar Uraney Wale Hein
My comrades: Remember that Jannat Pakistan is not for political gains. Those who join us should always remember their commitment.
There will be casualties. There will be pain and suffering. Truth must be delivered.
The Talibani cult is a curse for mankind and it has to be eradicated. Asarulislam
SHIRK: The Crime of Parallel Government against Allah and how it erodes a State
JANNAT PAKISTAN & MULLAHS: Dr. Asarulislam has delivered several speeches in English and Urdu that answer your questions about Mission of Jannat Pakistan Party.
“We honor, respect and revere Quran Teachers– “Maulvi Sahibaan”. We hold them in utmost respect. However we denounce and condemn MULLAHS who run a parallel government. [ SHIRK] We believe Islam is a system of government whereby the Law of Allah (SWT), the natural law, rules supreme; a system of government that ensures no CITIZEN is left behind and every citizen gets equal opportunity to life, liberty and pursuits of happiness. Citizens who embrace this ideology of liberty are called MUSLIMS just as those citizens who pledge allegiance to the Constitution of the United States are referred to as AMERICANS. In other words, ISLAM is inclusive, welcoming everybody to join in. The New Islamic State as envisioned by Jannat Pakistan Party is most similar to the USA in terms of liberty, equality and emancipation yet several steps higher in its ideals where God as the Supreme authority, guides the law making process of all avenues of life through DIRECTIONS as laid down in the Quran.”
“KAFIROON is a word used in the Quran for CRIMINAL ALIENS—those who did not accept the ideology of the Islamic State. A Christian, a Hindu, an Ahmedi, a Shia, or a Sunni are all free to practice their beliefs and religious rites and, as in USA, they shall all be treated equally under the Law.”
However executives of the Islamic State—Peace Officers referred to as MOMINOON shall be subject to stringent qualities of discipline, education and self sacrifice. The Islamic State is run by the Mominoon. These are the equivalent of Peace Officers, Government Executives, Military and Civil Service employees as in the United States.
The Quran states that all differences between nations and individuals shall be resolved once they establish a system of Equal Distribution of Wealth and Resources, NIZAM E RABB. Religion or Mazhab is a private matter for all citizen as long as it involves ceremonial celebrations. The Sovereign of the Islamic State—Allah (SWT) does not permit the running of a parallel government by the Priests.—LA SHAREEK KA LAH. “there shall be no parallel Authority to Allah (SWT).”
As regards censorship vs freedom, the New Islamic State as envisioned by Jannat Pakistan Party shall surpass USA and Europe in its liberties. Sedition will be crushed. Parallel Government will be crushed. Lawlessness will be crushed. Rehabilitation and reform of criminals shall be promoted at every level.
JANNAT PAKISTAN shall lead the world into a new era of economy and financial transactions. The world harkens for abolition of Evil Authority and looks forward to live under the Authority of their Lord—the Law of Allah (SWT) that guarantees equality, security and protection from all enemies of happiness. There shall be NO MULLAHS IN THE NEW ISLAMIC STATE. Through education compounded with guilt and shame, these monsters will be eradicated. Quran is the only anti-dote against poisonous faith.” Asarulislam July 9, 2012