Quran: The Ritualists are the real enemies of mankind
Asarul’Islam Syed’s Lecture on The Quran, Los Angeles, California,
RadioShalimar, Saturday, June 27, 2009
“Quran is The Greatest Proclamation of Liberty!” Eradicate Poisonous Faith Through Quran Lectures
Quran: The Ritualists are the real enemies of mankind
Asarul’Islam Syed’s Lecture on The Quran, Los Angeles, California,
RadioShalimar, Saturday, June 27, 2009
On 4th of June, 1858, John Bright, one of the greatest orators in the British House of Commons, raised a question: “How long does England propose to govern India? Nobody can answer that question. But, be it 50 or 100 or 500 years, does any man with the smallest glimmering of common sense believe that so great a country, with its 20 different nationalities, and 20 different languages, can ever be bound up and consolidated into one compact and enduring empire confine? I believe such a thing to be utterly impossible.”Read full Article in PDF format
Listen to Asarul’Islam’s full lecture delivered on Shalimar Radio Los Angeles, California.
June 20th, 2009 → Shalimar Radio
The Radio station is is one of the few voices in the entire Islamic world that preaches the ideology of the Quran. It is facing financial hardships. Your contribution is needed NOW!
An Islamic State without Mullahs.
This is the ideology from the Quran. What is more?
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“This is not Islam. They have hijacked Islam”, declared the former US President, George Bush. It was the evening of September 11, 2001. The statement gave hope to the liberal Muslims worldwide who had been sick of seeing the US support the Taliban. Thousands had already immigrated to the US because Pakistan had become an unlivable country, thanks to the US.
“They have hijacked Islam!” These could have been the words of Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan, had he been alive; or the words of Sir Mohammed Iqbal, the greatest Islamic thinker of the 20th century, the man who gave the Pakistan idea. Such were the liberal and progressive founders of Pakistan. Jinnah and Iqbal, in their times, had been declared heretics by the Mullahs. The Mullahs had hijacked Islam through US support and now the US policy was taking a U turn.
Asarul’Islam interviewed by PVTV.